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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

How and why are mirages formed in desert, This educational science animation explains this phenomenon on the basis of heating of air and total internal reflection of light. Useful for understanding optical densities, critical angle and refraction.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 258 US$    1.00 Rs.79.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:6:0
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Mirage in Desert: Category : Science Type : Animartion
Duration : 6 minutes

The animation answers the following

Why do we perceive water when we see a mirage ?

Why is a mirage formed ?

Explanatory notes section : What are the conditions for the TIR (Total Internal Refraction)?
What is critical angle?
Why cool air is optically denser than the hot air?
Why observer's brain concludes that only water body can produce such reflection of tree?
Why light ray bends towards normal while traveling to a denser medium?

desert mirage
physics and ray diagram of desert mirage
We perceive a reflection where there is none
The mirage occurs due to total internal reflection
Details of the animation/ movie /software

In desert, one may see images of distant trees during high temperature . Since in nature, images of trees are formed only in water, therefore one is tricked into believing that a tree is situated near some water body and its reflection is being seen.

However, on reaching spot , it is found that the water has vanished . This phenomenon is called mirage.

Mirage occurs due to total internal reflection of light. When the sun is high in the sky, the sand gets heated first and then the layers of air above it. The rays from the trees travel from an optically denser air layer to a rarer layer and hence bend away from the normal. This bending continues and a stage is reached where the angle of incidence becomes greater than the critical angle and total internal reflection takes place.

The totally reflected rays that reach the eyes appear to come from a point on the ground where the image of the tree is formed. Thus one sees an inverted image of the tree though there is no water around.

If you are still unclear about the phenomenon, please refer the animation

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