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Diffusion is caused by the random jittery motion of particles; diffusion occurs in various forms in our daily life, the animation explains the phenomenon and factors that affect it.
This animation has audio.
Category : Diffusion
Type : Animation with sound
Animation Type : Advanced
Total animation length: 1 hour 45 minute
The animation has following sections:
Why does an atomic particle move?
Motion of monatomic, diatomic and polyatomic molecules
Straight-line motion of particles
Randomness increases with numbers
What is Brownian motion?
Brownian motion depends on which factors
Energy of the system during Brownian motion
Difference between a gas and liquid's Brownian motion
Brownian motion summing up
What is diffusion?
Spreading of perfume
Understanding diffusion
More on diffusion
Diffusion in our daily life
Factors affecting diffusion/Measuring diffusivity
The diffusion animation covers a range of topics from Brownian motion to factors affecting diffusion, giving an in-depth coverage to each. A quiz at the end tests the knowledge on diffusion. |
Various factors that affect diffusion like pressure, temperature, concentration, molecular size, gravity and equilibrium. A detailed explanation of each is provided. Measurement of diffusion and diffusion constant is explicated. |
Diffusion occurs due to Brownian motion, a jittery random motion of particles. Brownian motion is affected by the temperature, molecular size and viscosity of the medium. There are many phenomenon that occur in daily life are related to diffusion like:
- Spreading of perfume in the room
- Escaping of air from balloon
- Mixing of ink in water
- Exchange of gases in alveoli
- Osmosis
Diffusion is affected by various factors, these are
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Concentration
- Molecular Size
- Gravity
Diffusion is measured using Fick's first law : J = -D dc/dx
The animation has following sections:
Why does an atomic particle move?
Motion of monatomic, diatomic and polyatomic molecules
Straight-line motion of particles
Randomness increases with numbers
What is Brownian motion?
Brownian motion depends on which factors
Energy of the system during Brownian motion
Difference between a gas and liquid's Brownian motion
Brownian motion summing up
What is diffusion?
Spreading of perfume
Understanding diffusion
More on diffusion
Diffusion in our daily life
Factors affecting diffusion/Measuring diffusivity
What are gradients?
Types of gradients-Pressure, Temperature, Concentration
Diffusion as function of pressure and temperature
Molecular size and rate of diffusion
Diffusion and equilibrium
Diffusion and gravity
Measuring diffusion
Diffusion Constant- D (Diffusivity)
The animation explains the process in a clear and lucid manner; it is very easy for the students to understand the process through the animation.