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Overview         (For age - group : 11 - 16 )

A candle flame has a typical shape but the forces that give it that shape are convection, buoyancy, diffusion and gravity. How do these forces act in tandem? and what will happen to the flame shape in absence of gravity?

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 487 US$    0.75 Rs.59.25
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:4:0
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This animation has audio.This animation contains sound
Category : Diffusion and laminar flame shape
Type : Animation with sound
Animation Type : General

Total animation length
: 4 minute

Laminar flme shape of a candle's flame
A laminar or tightly layered flame shape of a candle occurs due to many forces acting in tandem. The animation shows their application.
Laminar flame shape and gravity
Flame shape of a candle is governed by the burning of a hydrocarbon and various forces that start acting on the flame, in absence of gravity the flame shape will be spherical instead of laminar.
Details of the animation/ movie /software

Unlike a candle kept near an open window and burning with a turbulent flame and with unpredictable flow patterns, a candle burning in a quiet room has a stream of hot air rising up in laminar (or organized tightly layered) sheets of smoothly varying velocities, they give a typical shape to flame called as Laminar shape. Convection Current, Buoyancy, Gas Diffusion and Gravity play different roles in the shape formation, where gravity is the dominant factor; in the absence of gravity, a flame shape will spherical instead of laminar.

The animation explains the process in a clear and lucid manner; it is very easy for the students to understand the process through the animation.

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