The animation starts by briefly explaining the concept of area and perimeter through an example of a farmer's field. Concept of a polygon, its properties, vertices, edges and body is then explained.
Area section has situations and example for establishing the area of various polygons, these firstly give the properties of each polygon and circle, then introduces an example of sample calculation followed by a quiz "Check your understanding" section, where each question has a detailed solution and there is no time limit or marking. The polygons covered in areas are
- Rectangle
- Square
- Parallelogram
- Rhombus
- Trapezium
- Triangle
- Circle
Glossary explains concepts of line segment, length, width, diagonal, diameter, radius etc. using definitions and examples. Following are covered
- Line Segment
- Angle
- Vertex
- Parallel Lines
- Formula
- Length, Width
- Diagonal
- Pi
- Constant
- Tanscendental Number
- Diameter, Radius
- Square Root
Formula section contains the summary of all the formula pertaining to polygon and circle.