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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Fully animated ‘Virus - Attachment’ covers the attachment of virus to the cell receptors, specific nature of binding and examples of attachment of various viruses to different types of cells.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 3460 US$    3.00 Rs.237.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:26:0
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This animation has audio.This animation contains sound
Category : Virus Replication
Type : Animation with sound
Animation Type : Advanced

Total animation length
: 26 minutes

The animation covers :

  • Virus Attachment Process
  • List of some viruses and their receptors
  • Specific nature of binding
  • Attachment of HIV, influenza, polio virus to human cells, Bacteriophages attachment.

    Watch combined preview Watch Preview Animation
    Virus attachment Virus Penetration Virus uncoating Virus synthesis
    Virus Assembly Virus Release Virus Replication
    Watch various movie clips related to Virus Replication. These are 1) Virus Attachment 2) Virus Penetration 3) Virus Uncoating 4) Virus synthesis 5) Virus Assembly Maturation 6) Virus Release 7) Virus Complete Reproductive cycle (replication). Click on the above thumbnails to go to the movie.
    Attachment virus adeno
    Specific Nature of binding enables only a specific type of virus to attach to a specific cell receptor.
    attachment hiv
    Attachment of enveloped viruses - HIV virus and influenza virus
    attachment proteins of virus
    Attachment proteins of virus enable it to attach to receptors on cells.
    attachment adeno polio
    Attachment of non-enveloped viruses - adenovirus and poliovirus
    Details of the animation/ movie /software

    The animation starts by brief explanation of the virus replication cycle. It is covered under three main headings 1) Initiation of infection 2) Replication and the expression of the virus genome 3) Release of the mature virions from the infected cells.

    There are eight stages of virus replication these are 1) Attachment 2) Penetration 3) Uncoating 4) Gene expression 5) Genome Replication 6) Assembly 7) Maturation 8) Release

    Attachment : This is the crucial stage for the initiation of virus life cycle within a living cell. As a virion comes across a specific host cell, it first binds to the host cell.

    Viruses have specific proteins on their surface to attach to a host cellular surface molecule. The cellular molecules that allow the virus to attach on the cell surface are called virus receptors and the virion proteins that mediate the attachment are called as attachment proteins.

    The attachment proteins and their positioning vary for different type of viruses. This protein is needed by the virus to attach to its target (host) cell before it can enter that cell.

    The attachment proteins of the virus are of the same shape as that of a particular messenger molecule, thus allowing the viruses to easily contact the cell via cellular receptors. However, A virus can only infect the cells, which have the correct receptor. This specificity provides the basis for a virus's host range. In addition, this binding specificity limits viruses to only infecting certain cell types within their host.

    Also covered are:

    • List of some viruses and their receptors
    • Specific nature of binding
    • Attachment of HIV, influenza, polio virus to human cells, Bacteriophages attachment.

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