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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Goalfinder classes UGC / CBSE NET SET Communication subject covers in detail the syllabus of UGC / CBSE NET SET paper 1 Communication exam. Material covers types of communication, models, barrier to classroom communication with examples and exercises. Total number of Pages is 115.

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UGC net communication
Out of total 10 topics in UGC NET / SET Paper 1, communication topics is covered in this ebook of course material
UGC net communication terms and definition

All terms and concepts in communication are explained thoroughly to cover the communication syllabus.

UGC net communication point wise

Point wise explanation help remember the subject better.

UGC net communication diagrams

Diagrams and pictures are used to explain concepts.

Details of the animation/ movie /software

Course material covers the syllabus

Major types of communication:
Classification of Interpersonal Communication

A- On the basis of the number of participants.
Dyadic Communication
Small Group Communication
Public Communication
Mass Communication

B - On the basis of organisation structure
Organizational Communication
Formal Communication
Informal Communication (Grapevine)

C - On the Basis of Direction of Flow
Downward Communication:
Upward Communication
Crosswise (Diagonal) Communication
Horizontal/Literal communication:

D - On the basis of way of expression

E - On the basis of Objective

F - On the basis of environment of the firm

G - Types of communication based on the communication channels used
1. Verbal Communication
2. Non-verbal (Non-vocal) Communication

Intrapersonal Communication
The Johari Window
Process of interpersonal communication

Early Linear Models
1.The Shannon-Weaver Mathematical Model, 1949
2.David Berlo Model
3.Schramm’s Interactive Model, 1954
4.The transactional model (Wood, 2009)

  • Concept of Feedback
  • Concept of Feed-Forward
Terms in Communication
  • Short Circuiting
  • Concept of Entropy and Redundancy
  • Barriers to Communication
  • Communication in classroom
  • Students’ Preferred Learning Modes
  • Effective Classroom Communication
  • Measurement of communication
  • Barriers to Effective Classroom Communication
  • Edutainment and infotainment
  • Mass Communication
  • Surveillance, Interpretation etc
  • Communication and Reasoning Skills
  • Assertiveness, Interpersonal, Interaction Skills, etc

Mass Media for Mass communication
Channels of Mass Media
Outdoor media
New Age Media

Practice Questions with Solutions
Detailed Solution to Questions

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