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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Goalfinder classes UGC / CBSE NET SET Research Aptitude subject covers in detail the syllabus of UGC / CBSE NET SET paper 1 Research Aptitude exam. Material covers research design, data types, sampling method and errors examples and exercises. Total number of Pages is 185.

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ugc net research aptitude
Out of total 10 topics in UGC NET / SET Paper 1, research aptitude topic is covered in this ebook of course material
ugc net research aptitude course       

The course material covers UGC Net research aptitude syllabus completely and goes beyond that, predicting what future papers can also include in them

ugc net research aptitude point

Course content is summarized and made point wise for easy understanding and remembering.

ugc net research aptitude image
Supportive images and graphics help in understanding the topic easily.
ugc net research aptitude table

Summarization is also done through tables and graphs to arrange the data in an ordered manner.

Details of the animation/ movie /software

Course material covers the syllabus

Aims and Objectives of Research
Null hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis
Significance, P-value, one tailed test etc.

Types of Research
As per Objectives
Exploratory Research
Conclusive Research
Correlation Research
Explanatory (Causal / Experimental) Research
Comparison between exploratory, descriptive and causal

Experimentation and Market Testing
Type of Information Sought
Qualitative and Quantitative research
Other types of Research Design
Data: Primary and Secondary Data
Data Collection and Method of study in research
Content analysis
Game or role-playing
Primary Market Research Method Quantitative
Experiments Quasi Experiment and Field Trials

Variable and their Types
Sampling Methods
a. Probability Sampling
. Simple Random Sampling
. Systematic Sampling:
. Stratified random sampling
. Cluster Sampling
b. Non Probability Sampling
. Convenience sampling
. Purposive /Judgment Sampling
. Snowball Sample

Types of Errors:
Data Exploration
Univariate vs. Bivariate Data
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Problem Solving
Central Tendency and Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution
Effect Size
Frequency distribution: Skewed, Mesokurtic, Leptokurtic, Platykurtic

Hypothesis Testing
"True" Mean and Confidence Interval
Margin of Error (Confidence Interval)
Type I errors and type II errors
One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests
Parametric and Non-parametric Tests
Bi- and Multivariate Inferential Statistical Tests (Parametric)
Chi Square
Degrees of freedom
Z-test and t-test
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Correlation (measures relationships between two variables)
Factor analysis
Sign test
Run Test
Other data display methods

Experimental Design
Pre-Experimental Designs
Quasi experiment Design
True Experimental Design
Reliability and Validity

Research Requirements
Steps of Research
The Preliminary Section
Research Ethics
Seminar, Workshop, Conference, Symposium
Paper, Article
Quality of a research journal
Style Rules
Appendix : Research Methodology Diagram
APA Format

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