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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Goalfinder classes UGC / CBSE NET SET Higher Education System : Governance, Polity and Administration subject covers in detail the syllabus of UGC / CBSE NET SET paper 1 Teaching exam on the subject. Material covers Indian education system, university system, governance examples and exercises. Total number of Pages is 139.

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Size (KB) 15000 US$    6.00 Rs.474.00
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Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:0:0
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ugc net higher education system governance and polity
Out of total 10 topics in UGC NET / SET Paper 1, teaching aptitude topic is covered in this ebook of course material
ugc net higher education system governance and polity points       

Course content is summarized and made point wise for easy understanding and remembering

ugc net higher education system governance and polity pictures

Supportive images and graphics help in understanding the topic easily.

ugc net higher education system governance and polity tables

Summarization is also done through tables and graphs to arrange the data in an ordered manner.

ugc net higher education system governance and polity courses

The course material covers UGC Net higher education system governance and polity syllabus completely and goes beyond that, predicting what future papers can also include

Details of the animation/ movie /software

Course material covers the syllabus

Section: Higher Education
Indian Education system, an Introduction
University Facts
Distance Education Programs
Objective of a University
Universities and Institutes
Central universities
State Public Universities
State Private Universities or Private universities
Deemed University
Open Universities
Institute of National Importance
Other Institute
Autonomous/Non-Autonomous Institutes & Deemed/Private Universities
Meta University

Accreditation and Recognition of Higher Education Institutions
Educational Bodies: UGC
Educational Bodies under UGC
Other educational bodies: AICTE, CABE, CSIR etc.

Section: Governance, Polity and administration
Structure of Government of India
The President of India
- Powers of President
Pleasure of the president
Vice President of India
Advocate General

Parliament in India (Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha with their Secretariats)
Lok Sabha
Rajya Sabha
Session of parliament
Parliament prorogation and dissolution
Rajya Sabha Secretariat
Indian Elections -Scale of Operation
Legislative Assemblies
State Assemblies
Governors and Lieutenant Governors
Union Territory
Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayats and Urban administration

Attorney General of India
The Solicitor General of India
Natural Justice
The Supreme Court of India
High Court

Division of powers between the Centre and the States
Federal System in India
Devolution of power to local Government institutions
Tools of good governance
Important Committees of Administrative Reforms since Independence
Government Bodies and Schemes
Constitution of India
Education and Constitution

States and UT: No of Union Territories ( High Court, capital of states)
Composition by states and territories
List of Vidhan Sabhas
List of Central Universities
Institutions of National Importance
Union List
State List
Concurrent List
Indian Currency Notes

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