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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

Why doesn't the shadow of a bird form in air?, what has umbra and penumbra got to do with it?. Actually everything. This animated school science topic gives in-depth information about shadow formation through ray diagrams and a common example. Very useful for students to understand concept of umbra and penumbra.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 257 US$    0.00 Rs.0.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:2:20
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Shadow of a bird :

Animation covers

  • Umbra and Penumbra
  • How a shadow is formed ?
  • Why a flying bird does not form a shadow on the ground ?
  • Why the shadow becomes darker as an object nears the ground ?
  • Complete ray diagrams and detailed explanation

no shadow formed in mid air shadow is formed if a plate is placed
No shadow of a flying bird ?
Shadow of the bird does not disappear it will be formed if a screen is placed
shadow umbra formed on the ground taking sun as point source
no shadow of bird formed on ground
Umbra is formed on the ground as bird is very near to the ground
No shadow of bird flying up in the sky is formed on the ground
Details of the animation/ movie /software
For a shadow to be formed on a screen, no light rays should reach that area. Sun is an extended source of light and for an opaque object to form shadow it should obstruct the sunrays from reaching the earth. Please refer the animation.

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