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Overview         (For age - group : 11 - 16 )

How can lemon change its colors : Got something to do with colored light, filters and subtractive colors. The concept of filters is explained in an interactive animated manner. Cases are included for clearer understanding of the concept. This animated science topic gives in-depth information about the topic and is very useful K8- K12 teachers and students.

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Size (KB) 247 US$    0.00 Rs.0.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:2:30
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Can a lemon change its color: concept of filters and pigments are expalined through the animation

division of white light when passed magenta filter
White light divides into its components when passed through a magenta filter, omly magenta is allowed through the filter making a yellow lemon look red
Blue filter allows blue light to pass through
Blue filter allows only blue light to pass through, making the lemon look black
red filter allows red to pass through
A red filter will allow red color to pass through making a yellow colored lemon appear red
Details of the animation/ movie /software
Light of different color , colors an object differently why does it happen ? It is so because a light of a particular color say yellow is a actiually red combined with green light . Filters allow only a particular color of light to pass through them . A magenta filter allows only redlight and blue light to pass through it (Magenta is a combination of blue and red). As the yellow color is a combination of red and green, it absorbs all the colors of light excepct these two. So the yellow pigment in lemon will absorb blue light in magenta and it reflects the red light. Hence the yellow lemon will appear as red in color. For in-depth understanding and experimentation please look at the animation below.

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