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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Eclipse's are science phenomenon, this animation explains Eclipse, based on geometrical distances, diameter, alignment, radius and palne of revolution of Earth, Sun and Moon, all the cases are taken and explained through in-depth animation. This 100% animated topic is very useful for educating school students, astronomy enthusiast and teachers of Geography.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 396 US$    1.50 Rs.118.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:35:0
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Category : Science

Type : Animation

Eclipse : This animation contains detailed explaination of :

  • What are the conditions necessary for solar and lunar eclipse to occur ?
  • Penumbral, partial and total Lunar eclipse phenomenon,
  • Umbra and Penumbra
  • Partial, total and annular solar eclipse phenomenon
  • Why total solar eclipse is rare?
  • Why the eclipses do not occur at every full moon and new moon night
  • Why does the moon becomes various hues of red in total lunar eclipse ?
  • What are bailey beads? Corona ?
  • How can the tiny moon obscure the gigantic sun ?
  • Facts about Sun, Moon and Earth

Bailey beads and diamond ring in a solar eclipse the ratio of 400 between sun, earth and moon
Bailey beads and diamond ring in a solar eclipse
the ratio of 400 between sun, earth and moon ensures total solar eclipse to take place
why annular eclipse occur the radius of total solar eclipse's umbra on earth
Annular solar eclipse occur because earth is not at the center of the elliptical path of the moon the radius of total solar eclipse's umbra on earth is not more than few kilometers, hence to watch a total solar eclipse is a matter of chance
Total lunar eclipse
eclipse explained
During Total lunar eclipse the moon becomes reddish this is due to atmospheric dispersion The umbra and penumbra formation results in partial lunar eclipse
Details of the animation/ movie /software

-There are only two kinds of eclipse
1) solar
2) Lunar

A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth moves between the Sun and the moon, blocking part of the Sun's light from reaching the moon. During a lunar eclipse, Earth's shadow lies on the moon partly or completely obscuring it resulting into partial or total Lunar eclipse.

Types of Lunar eclipse

1. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

The Moon passes through Earth's penumbral shadow.
Event is very subtle and quite difficult to observe.

2. Partial Lunar Eclipse

A portion of the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow.
It can be easily , even with the unaided eye.

3. Total Lunar Eclipse

The entire Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow.
This is quite striking for the vibrant range of colors the Moon can take on during the total phase.

In a solar eclipse, the moon moves between the Earth and the Sun. When this happens, part of the Sun's light is blocked. The skybecomes darker as the moon starts moving in front of the Sun. When the moon and Sun are in a perfect line, it is called a total eclipse. Total solar eclipses are very rare seen only once in person's lifetime. There are partial , total and annular solar eclipses also . In an annular solar eclipse the Moon disc is not completely able to cover the Sun's disc thereby leaving radial regions through which the light comes through.

To see a total solar eclipse, one has to be on the the right spot on the earth. Total solar eclipses occur because appearance wise Sun and Moon both look the same size in the sky. (one-half degree in diameter). Actually they're not really the same size.

The sun's diameter is nearly 400 times the moon's diameter. However the sun is also 400 times further away from the earth,hence its diameter apparently looks the same as the moon's. The "path of totality" is never more than 167 miles in diameter, and is usually less. This means that very few people have seen a total eclipse as the shadow only covers a very small area on the earth.

For Total Solar eclipse to occur New moon is necessary . This phase of the Moon occurs when the Sun is almost directly behind the Moon, and we see only a sliver of the Sun's light reflected by the Moon. During this time the Moon and the Sun appear close together. The second event that must occur is that the Moon must be in the right position, directly in the line of sight between the Earth and the Sun.

If you are still unclear about the concepts, please refer the animation

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