About Matter : Anything
that has mass, occupies space and can be felt by
any one of the five senses.
All things around us as water, air, the human body, the
animals, the food, the clothes, the rocks, means of transport
e.g. cars, buses diesel, vans, trucks, airplanes etc are
all matter as these occupy space, have mass and can be felt
by our senses.
Depending upon the condition of temperature, pressure and
its own nature. Matter can be classified into three states
namely solid, liquid and gaseous state
Matter in the solid state has both a definite
volume and a definite shape. The wood block is solid.
A solid has a certain size and shape. The wood block does
not change size or shape. Other examples of solid are the
computer, the desk, and the floor. The molecules of a solid
are closely packed. There is little space between them.
As such they cannot move freely from one place to another
(translation motion) nor can they rotate (rotational motion).
They can only vibrate (vibrational motion) to and fro about
their fixed position.
Matter in the liquid state has a definite volume
but no definite shape, it takes on the shape of whatever
container it is placed in; Milk is a liquid. It has volume.
Volume means it takes up space. But milk doesn't have a
definite shape. It takes the shape of its container. The
molecules of a liquid are not so closely packed. The empty
space between the molecules Is comparatively greater that
of solid. The molecules can have some translatory as well
as rotatory motion in addition to vibratory motion.
Matter in the gaseous state has neither a definite volume
nor a definite shape and expands to fill any container.
You can't see oxygen. It's invisible. It is a gas. A gas
is matter that has no shape or size of its own. Most gases
have no color.
The molecules of a gas are very loosely packed and
the space between them is very large. The molecular forces
of attraction between the gas molecules are very weak
The gaseous molecule possesses motion of all three types,
namely translation motion, rotational motion and vibration
motion. The molecular forces of attraction between gas molecules
are very weak and possess random motion .