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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

This educational chemistry animation with audio gives advanced information on fullerene - carbon nanotube and buckyball. The animation also covers preparation, classification and application of buckminsterfullerene and nanotube.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 5108 US$    2.00 Rs.158.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 1:10:0
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This animation has audio.This animation contains sound
Category : Chemistry
Type : Animation with sound
Animation Type : Advanced

Total animation length
: 70 minutes

Refer details section for complete list of content.


atoms of carbon rearrange to form allotropes - diamond, graphite, soot and fullerene

Fullerene is an allotrope of carbon where carbon atoms are arranged in a geodesic (or hollow sphere) shape to form buckyballs or in a tube format to form single walled nanotubes or multi-walled nanotubes. The educational animation gives advanced information about fullerenes - buckyball and carbon nanotubes.
classification of nanotubes - zigzag chiral and armchair
Fullerene science involves carbon nano structures like nanotubes. Single walled Nanotubes can be classified according to the rolling of graphene sheet to form zigzag, armchair and chiral structure. The arrangement of carbon atoms determines the properties of carbon nanotube. The animated presentation clearly explains all structures.
Chemistry and research  of buckyball c60
C60 was the first Buckminsterfullerene or buckyball to be discovered, its molecular geometry and structure consists of carbon atoms arranged in a polygonal and hexagonal manner. In the animation, we study chemistry based on bonds, molecular weight, melting point etc of buckyballs from c20 up to c720.
Laser ablation, electric arc discharge, chemical vapor deposition
Laser ablation method is one of the three methods of lab and industrial synthesis of buckyballs, single walled and multi walled (SWNT and MWNT) nanotubes.The other two methods of fullerene preparation; electric arc discharge and chemical vapor deposition are also explained in the animated presentation.
Details of the animation/ movie /software

The chemical and physical properties of fullerenes have been a focus of research, and the applications of buckyball and walled nanotubes have spawned a new industry.
This animation "Fullerene Advanced - Buckyball / Nanotube" is meant for in-depth study of fullerenes. Another 30 minute animation of ours "Fullerene - Buckyball / Nanotube” gives basic information on fullerene for classroom teaching and for the general consumption.

Fullerene is the fourth allotrope of carbon - the other being graphite, diamond and amorphous soot. Its discovery is recent, the first fullerene, C60, was discovered in 1985. C60 buckyball has a round soccer ball shape and it is called as buckminsterfullerene, it is a hollow sphere or has a geodesic geometry consisting of interconnected pentagonal and hexagonal polygons. There are 60 carbon atoms in one molecule of C60 fullerene molecule. Subsequently a rugby ball shape C70 and many other buckyballs were discovered.

Carbon atoms also arrange themselves in hexgonally-bonded array in tube form to create many centimeters long buckytubes or nanotubes. Discovery of single walled and multi walled carbon nanotubes opened up the possibility of numerous nanotube applications in the field of fullerene science and technology.

In the previous 15 years, artificial preparation of fullerenes has come up in a big way; one of methods of preparing fullerenes is by heating graphite rods in helium atmosphere. Applications of fullerenes can be in virtually any sector- from medical to chemical. The buckminsterfullerene or buckyball molecule can be applied to blocking HIV protease and fighting AIDS. There is a lot of research being done on the buckyballs and SWNT/ MWNT carbon nanotubes and new applications of fullerenes are being discovered everyday.

The fullerenes have found application in electrical, automotive, nuclear and medical sector to name a few. Buckyballs use is being researched as HIV protease inhibitor - we have presented this concept in the animation.

It is difficult to imagine a nano world. This is a world where quantum rules work and the mechanical physics does not, where objects are a few atoms and molecules in dimensions. To give an idea about the nano structures we have included a section "The concept of nano" in the animation.

The animation has the following sections:

  • Why does carbon form allotropes ?
  • What are allotropes ?
  • What is fullerene ?
  • How were they discovered ?
  • What did fullerene look like ?
  • Buckyball Configuration - C20 -C720
  • Buckministerfullerene
  • Buckministerfullerene Bond Structure
  • Buckministerfullerene Crystal structure
  • Buckyball properties
    - insulation
    - Tensile Strength
    - Superconductivity
    - Insolubility
  • Buckyball application
  • Nanotubes
  • What is meant by nano?
  • SWNT - Single walled nano tube
  • MWNT - Multiwalled nano tube
  • Classification of nano tube
    - Zigzag
    - Armchair
    - Chiral
  • Classification of nanotubes in a concise form
  • Synthesis of fullerene
    - Electric Arc Discharge
    - Laser Ablation
    - Chemical vapor deposition
  • Properties of nanotubes
  • Application of nanotubes

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