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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

Do you know...How it works? It is a technology miracle , light is converted to electricity and electricity is converted back to light, how does it happen? This animated topic gives in-depth information about basics of colors of television.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 297 US$    0.75 Rs.59.25
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:6:0
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Television :

How does the TV screen glow with different colours ?

How does a picture appear on television?

How can color be produced electronically on TV?

how a television works
electron gun inside a television
How can colors be produced electronically on a TV screen
The Electron gun emits beams of a particular light
the color beams produce an image
phosphors are lighted up on a tv screen
These beams mix together to produce color
These beams agitates a phosphor coated screen differently
Details of the animation/ movie /software

All the magnificent colors that can be seen on the television screen are formed from the three primary colors - Red, Green and Blue.

The TV screen is coated with phosphor dots that glow with color when they're hit with a stream of electrons. The dots are arranged in sets of three to produce three colors of light - red, blue and green. One end of the picture tube contains electron guns.

These guns spray electrons onto the phosphor dots. When electron hit the dots, the dots glow with color and a picture appears on the screen. Electron beams in the television strike the phosphor dots on the screen giving rise to a dazzling display of colors.

All the colors one sees on the screen are made up of red, blue and green lights.

A color television set produces colored light and close examination of the lit screen reveals that it contains patterns of red, green and blue dots or stripes. At a distance, the dots or stripes merge into a color picture. But close up, the yellow light can be seen to be made up of red light and green light.

If you are still unclear about the concepts, please refer the animation below.

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