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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

How does our shadow vary as the sun rises and sets, this is same principle by which our ancestors used to tell time by using "sundial". This science animation (optics) software gives in-depth information about variation of shadows and is very useful for students and teachers.

Product - Animation
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Size (KB) 284 US$    0.00 Rs.0.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:4:0
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Variation of length of a shadow

Category : Science

Type : Animation

Duration : 6 minutes

The software (animation) file contains

Formation of shadow
Variation in Sun's position during the day

The explanatory notes section provided contains
What is a shadow?
Why size of the shadow varies?
Why shape of the shadow resembles the shape of an object?
Why shadow appears darkest when the sun is high in the sky near midday and light or entirely absent during cloudy day?
Can shadow of the tree help us to determine the height of the tree?

Shadow is longest during morning or eveningg
Shadow is longest during morning or evening
Shadow is smallest but darkest at noon
Shadow is smallest but darkest at noon
Details of the animation/ movie /software

Shadows are formed when the sunrays are blocked by objects. Depending upon the relative positions of the light source and the object the length of the shadow keeps varying. In case of Sun, during the daytime the position of the sun in the sky keeps changing and hence the amount of sunlight getting blocked also varies. Consequently, the sunrays blocked by objects vary and hence the length of the shadow also varies. It is observed that the length of a shadow is maximum when the sun is at low altitude during mornings and evenings and is minimum during noon when the sun is overhead.

If you are still unclear about the concepts, please refer the animation.

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