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Overview         (For age - group : 11 - 16 )

If you are bored of learning in the conventional manner then take the power concept quiz route, No time limits, no negative marking. Plunge headlong into it, explore each question, the explanation is given in the quiz itself. The quiz is created for concept building and of course testing them also. This physics animation software is very useful for learning optics through quiz .

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 773 US$    1.50 Rs.118.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 3:0:0
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Watch a free preview of this science  and technology animation

Animation Type = Advanced

Total length of quiz depends on ones capability but on an average it will take 3 hours to complete the quiz

The science software file contains the Power concept quiz - light, meant for creating concepts - the topics included are point source, extended source, reflection, pinhole camera, plane mirror, spherical mirror, parabolic mirror, eclipse, rainbow, mirage, refraction, prism, total internal reflection, fiber optic cable, diodes, endoscope, pigments, filters, color light, rgb, cmyk system, additive and subtractive process etc.

The power concept quiz on light has been created for your learning and establishing concepts through quiz
The power concept quiz on light has been created for your learning and establishing concepts through quiz
quiz on light :The questions are graphical and interactive
The questions are graphical and interactive
quiz on light :Besides the evaluation, an explanation is always there so that you may clear your doubts immediately
Besides the evaluation, an explanation is always there so that you may clear your doubts immediately
Details of the animation/ movie /software

"Exploration - the core need of mankind. Curiosity- the driving force. Science - the tool for finding answers. We create better learning tools . All we need is your curiosity".

The conventional is a linear method of learning, you must have at times felt the boredom that comes along with it. Explored or nonlinear learning has its own advantages and pitfalls too. But the best thing about it is the testing-learning-testing cycle ensures rock solid concepts. The Power-concept-quiz on light has been created for just that only. Take a look by clicking on preview link.

Once the concepts are established and cleared in mind , then numerical are generally a breeze through. This quiz on light is meant to test but also build concepts by explaining each question in detail there and then, of course it is up to you to look at the explanations.

  • There is no time limit so take your time
  • There is no negative marking also
  • The quiz serves you questions randomly from a question bank hence next time you take the same quiz the questions might be different
  • There are feedback to let you know how you are performing
  • If you have gone through the content on our site then it will be easier to crack the quiz

This quiz covers the following area

  1. Point source,
  2. Extended source, Shadows - umbra , Penumbra
  3. Eclipse
  4. Periscope
  5. Pinhole camera
  6. Photosynthesis
  7. Reflection
  8. Plane mirror
  9. Spherical mirror
  10. Parabolic mirror
  11. Rainbow
  12. Mirage
  13. Refraction
  14. Lenses
  15. Diamond
  16. Prism
  17. Total internal reflection
  18. Fiber optic cable
  19. Diodes, endoscope
  20. Pigments
  21. Filters
  22. Color light- rgb
  23. Cmyk system
  24. Additive and subtractive process etc.

In preparation is Goalfinder- challenge-quiz on light that will be a hard nut to crack. Time limits, negative marking, confusing choices, situation questions, simulations will need crystal clear concepts and courage to beat it.

Enjoy learning!!

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