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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Bird Flu: The bane of poultry and pet birds.It has killed nearly 120 million of them in Asia. This animated, 55 minute, movie shows information about how to protect your poultry and pet birds from infection by bird flu virus. It clarifies various doubts like "Which symptoms should I look out for in birds ?"What should I do if my pet bird suddenly dies?" etc. These are the world's first movies on bird flu.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 3000 US$ 11.50    1.50 Rs.118.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:55:0
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Protecting poultry and pet birds from bird flu movie:

Content : Disease

Type : Animation (advanced)

Duration : 55 minutes

The animation shows in details the following

Topics Covered :

  • Occurrence of infection in wild birds
  • Sources of infection in poultry
  • Modes of transmission to poultry and pet birds
  • Symptoms in poultry and pet birds
  • Prevention of transmission
  • Precautionary measures
  • Handling dead birds
  • Observing hygiene
  • Sanitizing farm
  • Prescribed methods of culling poultry
  • Methods of killing the virus
  • New technologies of identifying diseased birds.
  • Treatment for diseased birds

Veterinary- Doctor-visits-bird-flu-infected-farm
Becky and Sid discover bird flu
Nina and Jenny want to know about handling dead birds
Dr Jenny the vet, visits Joe's farm
Jenny-warns-farmer-of-H5N1-on his-farm
Jenny instructs Joe about quarantining birds with flu symptoms
Pigs are an intermediary host of avian influenza virus
Joe is worried that all his birds will die due to H5N1
Protecting pet birds, free-range and backyard poultry from the virus
There have been outbreaks of the flu on the farms
Tim explains to Sid and Becky about the virus and water bodies
Protecting pet birds, free-range and backyard poultry from the virus
There have been outbreaks of the flu on the farms
disinfecting-farm precautionary-measure-poultry
nfected-pet - bird-flu
Sanitizing & preventing recurrence of flu - explanation of protection measures
How to cull birds in a humane manner?
Jenny explains the care to be taken while handling infected pet birds
Modes of transmission of flu from one farm to another Is air-borne transmission of bird flu virus possible ?
Bird flu virus transmission from water bodies to farmland
Modes of transmission of flu from one farm to another
Is airborne transmission of virus possible ?
Details of the animation/ movie /software

Pet birds are like family members and poultry is a source of livelihood, unfortunately bird flu kills both. This movie shows the method by which you can protect them from bird flu. Presented in interactive animated comic book style it "shows" the answers. The movie is in an easy to understand format. It answers many questions, some of them are given below. There are four more movies on bird flu, go to their pages on our site to get more details

Some of the Questions Answered on Poultry
How do I know which bird is infected?
Which symptoms should I look out for?
How do I protect them?
I am confused. Will killing some of them stop the virus?
Is there any merciful way of killing them?
Is there any vaccine for domestic birds against bird flu?
How can the well fenced poultry birds get the virus ?
Where does the transmission from wild birds to domestic poultry occur?
Is only the poultry at threat from the virus?
New technology to detect the presence of avian influenza ?
Since avian influenza has been detected on my farm what do I do now
Do all the birds that get the virus die?
What is LPAI and HPAI?
Will this virus be destroyed due to all this treatment ?
How do wild birds get bird flu virus in the first place ?
Wild birds migration route.
List of Infection carrying birds

Some of the Questions answered on pet birds
How does the transmission from wild birds to pet birds occur?
Do all the birds that get the virus die?
List of Infection carrying birds
Precautionary measures
What should I do if I come across dead birds?
What should I do if my pet bird dies?
How do I protect it from getting this virus?
What are the indications of bird flu?
Can my dog also catch this virus?

Six powerful animations explaining everything about bird flu
Surviving bird flu Protecting poultruy and pet birds from bird flu
bird flu - the virus part 1 Bird flu the virus 2
bird flu seminar Bird flu map

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