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Bird Flu Flash Movie- The virus-Part 1
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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

World's first movies on bird flu - The seminar incorporates answers to those questions like is eating eggs safe? , Can I get bird flu by cleaning the droppings from my car? Can I get it from imported vegetables or fruits? Our distinguished panel of animated Doctors answer every question of yours supported by animation. This movie is intended for educating people on health aspects about bird flu

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 2552 US$ 8.50    1.50 Rs.118.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:40:0
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Bird Flu - Bird-flu-Seminar:

Content : Disease

Type : Animation (advanced)

Duration : 40 minutes

The animation shows in details the following

Topics Covered : Refer list of questions in 'Detail' below

Transmission of virus can easily occur between humans
Ruth is worried that her family might get infected with flu
Transmission of virus can easily occur between humans
Ruth is worried that her family might get infected with flu
Precautionary measures explained in detail
Seminar-asks-question-bird-flu bird-flu-is-infectious-precautions
The seminar : You mean antibiotics don't work and no vaccine is there to fight it
Our panel of doctors explain the procedures
Epidemiologist Rita explains about the chances of pandemic and likely symptoms
conference bird flu map explaining outbreaks
Public is worried about bird flu outbreak in their country
Survive bird flu by adopting these measures
Bird flu map detailing outbreaks
Fatality rate of bird flu virus is more than 50% in humans that 1/2 of those infected will die What are the symptoms I will have if I get infected by bird virus? Those who get infected continue to shed virus for a long time
Fatality rate of bird flu virus is more than 50% in humans that 1/2 of those infected will die
What are the symptoms I will have if I get infected by bird virus?
Those who get infected continue to shed virus for a long time
Details of the animation/ movie /software

To answer the general worries and questions about bird flu, we assembled an animated panel of doctors.

Bird Flu seminar continues on from where "Surviving bird flu" movie ends, the seminar answers in detail more than 30 questions and is 40 minutes long. Refer the questions below and have a look at preview for more details.

Some of the questions answered in seminar

-- Are children at a greater risk of getting avian influenza?
-- Are imported vegetables grown using chicken manure as fertilizers,safe to eat?
-- Are there any other treatments available for bird flu?
-- Are these antiviral drugs enough to protect people from bird flu?
-- But should every country be concerned about bird flu?
-- But these are also the symptoms of common cold, can you differentiate between them ?
-- But why have the scientist not been able to develop a vaccine ?
-- Can chicken flu infect an unborn child?
-- Can this avian influenza affect people?
-- Can you please specify as to what instability means in context of virus?
-- Can you tell us more about this bird flu virus?
-- How can I reduce my risk and protect my family and myself?
-- How do they work?
-- How does it jump from bird to human, I thought it could only infect birds?
-- How does the transmission of influenza occurs within Humans?
-- How does this vaccine work?
-- I am from Sweden, will my country get it too?
-- I eat chicken regularly will I get it?
-- I often travel to other countries how should I protect myself from virus ?
-- If I were exposed to avian influenza in birds, how long would it take for me to become sick?
-- Is it going to spread worldwide?
-- Is it safe to eat eggs?
-- Is the canned and processed poultry products safe to eat?
-- Is there a vaccine against influenza virus? Does it work?
-- Is there any human-to-human transmission now?
-- What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic?
-- What is this pandemic that you talk about?
-- What symptoms will I have if I get infected by bird flu virus?
-- What will make a pandemic more likely to happen?
-- When is the next pandemic due?
-- Why is H5N1 virus causing so much concern?
-- Will antibiotics work against Influenza?
-- Will I get bird flu if I remove bird feces from my car, garden etc.? How should I remove them?
-- Will it arrive in winter like normal flu?
-- Will that vaccine cause a side effect?
-- Will these medicines cause side effects?

Six powerful animations explaining everything about bird flu
Surviving bird flu Protecting poultruy and pet birds from bird flu
bird flu - the virus part 1 Bird flu the virus 2
bird flu seminar Bird flu map

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