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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

Educational science animation " Cotton " : Cotton is derived from Gossypium. Cotton is cellulose fiber. Chemically Cotton is cellulose polymer made up glucose molecules. Structurally cotton fiber has fibril and microfibrils and cellulose that give it various physical properties. This K8 –K12 animated chemistry topic gives in-depth information about cotton and is very useful for teachers and students both.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 270 US$    1.00 Rs.79.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:4:0
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Chemistry of cotton
Content : Educational science software
Type :

Duration :
4 minutes

    Topics Covered :
  • Chemistry of cotton : cellulose, natural polymer
  • Why are cotton clothes more comfortable to wear in summer?
  • Uses of cotton : as fabric
  • Structure of cotton : Fibrils, microfibril, cellulose

Chemistry of cotton fibre
Chemistry of cotton fiber
Cotton- fibril - microfibril - cellulose Molecular structure of glucose
Cotton- fibril - microfibril - cellulose
Molecular structure of glucose
Details of the animation/ movie /software

Content of the science animation : In our daily life cotton is mostly used as clothing and as a decorative fabric. Cotton fibers are the seed hairs of the plant Gossypium. Cotton is cellulose fiber. Cotton consists typically of 88-96% cellulose. A single molecule of cellulose consists of chain of millions of glucose molecules. Cellulose is natural polymer (C6H10O5)n. It is a polysaccharide. Glucose is a chemical compound in which C (carbon), H (hydrogen),
and O (oxygen) are bounded together by covalent bonds (chemical bond).

All about it inside the animation.

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