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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Animated science topic " Rubber " : It is derived comes from the sap of the Para rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. It is a colloid. Natural rubber is chemically poly-cis-isoprene formed from monomer isoprene.Vulcanization is a process for hardening rubber. Rubber is heated with Sulphur or Sulphur compounds. This animated chemistry topic gives in-depth information about Rubber and is very useful for schools and industry.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 266 US$    0.75 Rs.59.25
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:11:0
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Rubber and its chemistry
Content : Educational science software
Type :

Duration :
11 minutes

    Topics Covered :
  • What is rubber?
  • How is rubber prepared?
  • What are properties of rubber?
  • What is chemical composition of rubber?
  • What is vulcanization of rubber?

Vulcanization of rubber
Vulcanization of rubber
Process of making rubber from sap Chemically rubber is poly-cis-isoprene
Process of making rubber from sap
Chemically rubber is poly-cis-isoprene
Details of the animation/ movie /software

Content of the science animation : Natural rubber is chemically poly-cis-isoprene which is formed from the monomer isoprene. It comes from the sap of the Para rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. Trees are tapped by making a spiral cut through the bark. The sap is called latex. It is a white milky liquid. It is a suspension of tiny particles of rubber in water. These particles can be separated when acid is added to it and solid rubber is obtained.

Vulcanizing is a process for hardening rubber. The rubber obtained from the tree is sticky and soft. In vulcanization process rubber is heated with Sulphur or Sulphur compounds at a definite temperature for a definite time.
Vulcanizing causes the long molecules to form chemical bonds that join them side-to-side. The sulfur chains help to align the polymer chains, so the material does not undergo a permanent change when stretched but spring back to its original shape and size when the stress is removed

This treatment converts the soft, sticky mass of rubber into a hard, tough substance. This process is used in the manufacturing of tires of vehicles.
All about it inside the animation.

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