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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Mawell Boltzmann's distribution law and graph is completely explained through animation. This 50-minute physics educational animation explains in detail the concept of molecular speed and energy distribution and is meant for high school and college physics classes.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 416 US$    1.50 Rs.118.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:50:0
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Category : Physics
Type : Animation
Animation Type : Advanced

Total animation length
: 50 minutes

  • Correlation between speed, KE, temperature
  • Maxwell's formula
  • Understanding distribution graph
  • Case1 : Energy distribution and Temperature
  • Interactive graph and molecular motion
  • Daily life phenomenon - evaporation
  • Daily life phenomenon - Chemical Reactions
  • Case 2 : Energy distribution and molar mass
  • Experimental verification of Maxwell's law
  • Mathematical analysis of the experiment


experimental verification of maxwell boltzmann distribution law

Animation of experimental verification of Maxwell Boltzmann's distribution law using known concentrations of bismuth vapour and the
velocities at different positions on the glass plate.

Animation of maxwell and boltzmann's application to chemical reaction

Animation of maxwell and boltzmann's application to evaporation
Animated explanation of why do chemical reactions follow distribution law and how evaporation is affected by temperature and why it is a cooling process.

Animated maxwell boltzmann's distribution

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution forms the basis of the kinetic theory of gases, and is useful for explaining molecular speed distribution, gas pressure, diffusion and evaporation of liquid.
Details of the animation/ movie /software
This science animation explains the following in detail:
  1. Correlation between speed, KE, temperature : why does the speed of the molecules in a liquid or gas change continuously
  2. Maxwell's formula
  3. Understanding distribution graph : What does area under the curve , low tail, peak, most probable, average, rms speed, speed for lighter molecules
  4. Case1 : Energy distribution and Temperature :To prove high percentage of molecules will have low energy at low temperatures.
  5. Interactive graph and molecular motion : Through an interactive graph and increasing motion and collision of molecules understand the significance of graph
  6. Daily life phenomenon - evaporation : High kinetic energy of the molecules is responsible for the phenomenon of evaporation
  7. Daily life phenomenon - Chemical Reactions :
  8. Case 2 : Energy distribution and molar mass : Speed of the molecules is inversely proportional to the molar mass of the molecules
  9. Experimental verification of Maxwell's law : Experiment explains in details the rotating drum experiment and why spaced patterns of different densities are formed.
  10. Mathematical analysis of the experiment
    Others topics covered are :
  • Why collisions cause a change in speed
  • Conservation of KE
  • Temperature is measure of average KE : importance of using statistical method for determining properties of large number of molecules.
  • Why statistical methods are used for large number of molecules
  • Why a bell shaped curve is produced?
  • Maxwell Boltzmann graph
  • most probable, average and rms speeds
  • Escaping of hydrogen and helium, effusion & diffusion
  • Understanding why particles position varies with speed?
  • Explanatory Notes cover :
    • Pre Maxwell's Theory
    • How Maxwell developed the distribution law ?

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