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Overview         (For age - group : Below 16 )

How life sustains on earth ? Plants play a major role in the sustenance of life on earth. Only green plant can absorb the light energy while making their food by the process called Photosynthesis.This animation is FREE TO DOWNLOAD click on preview button to view it for free or on download button to download it

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Size (KB) 352 US$    0.00 Rs.0.00
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:7:0
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Photosynthesis Free .(592 KB, exe file)

Content : Science

Type : Animation

Duration : 7 minutes

The animation file contains the animation of the above mentioned detail section, it also includes the following

  • Structure of the leaf
  • Chlorophyll / chloroplast
  • Mechanism of photosynthesis

Table of comparison between free-photosynthesis, photosynthesis and advanced photosynthesis versions

(Table of comparison between free-photosynthesis, photosynthesis and advanced photosynthesis versions)

go to photosynthesis

go to photosynthesis advanced

The explanatory notes section contains add on notes on

  • What is chloroplast ?
  • What is chlorphyll ?
  • Why cholorophyll appears green in color?
  • What are the products of photosynthesis and their uses ?
  • Why glucose is an important food source ?

light sustains life on earth photosynthesis takes place in presence of carbondioxide, water and sunlight giving out oxygen and sugar
Light sustains life on earth
Photosynthesis takes place in presence of carbon dioxide, water and sunlight giving out oxygen and sugar
Learn how constituents react to produce sugar(glucose) inside chloroplast Explanatory notes section explains in detail chloroplast, chlorophyll, glucose etc.
Learn how constituents react to produce sugar(glucose) inside chloroplast
Explanatory notes section explains in detail chloroplast, chlorophyll, glucose etc.
Details of the animation/ movie /software

The word photosynthesis means "making with light "-plants need "energy" from sunlight to survive. To do this they also need the green substance chlorophyll and the raw materials: water and carbon dioxide. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts (small round structures) of the leaf cells where most photosynthesis takes place.

Plants obtain
1) water from the soil through roots and
2) carbon dioxide from the air through pores in their leaves.

The Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight energy and uses it to convert carbon dioxide and water into
glucose and oxygen. All animals depend upon these products .They use oxygen for respiration and glucose for food.

why chlorophyll looks green making all plants look green in return ?

Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs red and blue light, hence our eyes only see green reflected back, making chlorophyll appear green. However the red and blue spectrum energy makes it produce food .The green light that we see is not absorbed by the plant, hence cannot be used for photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis starts when the chlorophyll molecule gets ionized by light resulting into release of two electrons, This leaves chlorophyll with a deficit of electrons, so it uses water (another reducing agent ) to produce the life giving oxygen.

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