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Overview         (For age - group : 11 - 16 )

Educational science animation " Classification of matter " : Classifying matter was the biggest challenge in the previous century and discovery of patterns was the key factor that helped in understanding the nature and its elements. This led to evolution of structure in science and many fields evolved from this structure, to make science what it is today. This animated chemistry topic gives in-depth information about classification of matter and is very useful for school teachers and students both.

Product - Animation
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Size (KB) 782 US$    1.50 Rs.118.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:30:0
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Category : Science
Type : Animation
Total animation length: 30 minutes

The animation covers:

What is an element ?
What are the properties of metal, nonmetals and metalloids ?
How do compounds form ?
Compound versus constituent elements ?
How do mixtures form? What are the types of mixture ?
Complete mechansim of salt dissolving in water explained
Law of conservation of mass

More about matter in explanatory notes:

Mendeleev's periodic table,
Why are most elements solid?
Why don't oil and water form homogeneous mixture?

classification of matter

Classification of matter

Metals, non-metals and metalloids classification

Metals, nonmetals and metalloids classification

Non -metals - Sulphur and Bromine

Non -metals - Sulphur and Bromine

Metals are good conductors of electricity

Metals are lustrous, they shine in light
Metals are good conductors of electricity
Metals are lustrous, they shine in light
Non-metals are brittle
Metals are malleable and ductile
Nonmetals are brittle
Metals are malleable and ductile
Homogeneous mixtures - salt is dissolved in water
sodium chloride
Homogeneous mixtures - salt is dissolved in water
Sodium chloride - ions of sodium and chlorine
Heterogeneous mixtures - mixture of sand and charcoal can be separated out using a magnet
magnet separating out iron filings from sand
Heterogeneous mixtures - mixture of sand and charcoal can be separated out using a magnet
Details of the animation/ movie /software

Matter can be classified into pure substances and mixtures.

A Pure substance has uniform composition throughout.
It consist only one phase i.e. it consists of molecule of only one type
Example: Iron,water, table salt (NaCl) and sugar.

Pure substances are classified into two categories
1) Elements
2) Compounds

Classification of the elements is further done as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.
metals have a high melting and boiling point
(Metals have a high melting and boiling point)

Compounds, in chemistry, are a substance composed of atoms of two or more elements in chemical combination, occurring in a fixed or definite proportion and arranged in a fixed, definite structure. A compound is often represented by its chemical formula. The formula for water is H2O, and for sodium chloride, NaCl. The formula weight of a compound can be determined from its formula.

Mixtures, in chemistry, are a physical combination of two or more pure substances (i.e., elements or compounds).

Example: Petrol, milk and air (Air is homogeneous mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapour)

A mixture is distinguished from a compound, which is formed by the chemical combination of two or more pure substances in a fixed, definite proportion. The components of a mixture retain their own chemical properties and may be present in any proportion. For example, iron filings may be mixed with powdered sulfur in any proportion, and even if very fine iron powder is carefully mixed with powdered sulfur, the two components are easily separated by means of a magnet.

Mixtures are often classified as homogeneous or heterogeneous. Solutions and colloids are homogeneous mixtures. The components of a homogeneous mixture are too intimately combined to be distinguished from one another by visual observation. A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture. The particles in a heterogeneous mixture are coarse enough to be distinguished by visual observation.

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