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Overview         (For age - group : 11 - 16 )

Animated K8 + science " Chemistry of wood " . Wood's chemistry is tightly interlinked to its biology, with a common meeting point at cellulose, the biological unit of wood. The study of cellulose is the study of wood and the chemical process that take place due to its dissociation in presence of heat are what we call as burning. This chemistry animation gives in-depth information about how wood burning works.

Product - Animation
  Size/Duration Subscribe Preview / Trailer
Size (KB) 352 US$    1.25 Rs.98.75
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 0:5:30
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Category : Science
Type : Animation
Total animation length: 5 minutes:30 sec

The animation covers:
Cellulose structure in wood
Chemical bonding in wood
Chemistry in wood burning
Burning on the basis of bond
How CO2 formation helps in burning
Why wood burns but diamond does not (even though both are made up of carbon)?


Chemistry of wood

Going inside wood to wood-cell-and all the way upto cellulose
Chemistry of wood
Going inside wood to wood-cell-and all the way upto cellulose
Burning of wood is nothing but a chemical process
Disintegration of cellulose in presence of heat
Burning of wood is nothing but a chemical process
Disintegration of cellulose in presence of heat
Liberation of carbon and oxygen on burning of wood
Liberation of carbon and oxygen on burning of wood
Details of the animation/ movie /software

The walls of all the plant cells are made up of cellulose. It is very tough substance, made up from long molecules, which are laid down in a crisscross pattern, giving strength and rigidity to the cell. Cellulose is natural polymer (C6H10O5) n. cellulose is a polysaccharide with glucose as its monomer. Glucose molecule is result of chemical bonding of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

When wood burns, it releases energy in the form of heat and light. As we know wood is a chemical composition of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Hence when we supply heat to wood the bond between glucose molecules breaks and carbon oxygen and hydrogen become free. In the presence of oxygen, carbon produces carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
In this reaction carbon is element that reacts with oxygen in air and produces heat and light, however in our daily life we use many carbon-containing materials but not all are burning materials such as diamond.
In diamond covalent bonds in diamond are too strong in comparison to wood therefore diamond does not burn.

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