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Overview         (For age - group : Above 16 )

Educational physics animation : To see the invisible needs extraordinary vision, the discovery of nucleus was a landmark event that changed the course of science and development in this world leading to creation of nuclear power plants and ironically nuclear bombs. Lets see how this discovery was made by these extraordinary men.

Product - Animation
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Size (KB) 829 US$ 22.50    2.50 Rs.197.50
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Subscription Days = 30 Watch a preview (opens in separate window)
Duration (hr:min:sec) 1:10:0
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Discovery of Nucleus by Rutherford:
Category : Atomic theory
Type : Animation
Total animation length: One hour 10 minutes
Animation Type : Advanced
Animation contains the following

  • Radioactivity and its discovery- gateway to know the structure of atom
  • Investigation of radiations produced by radioactive elements
  • Rutherford's Gold foil experiment
  • Why did he take Gold for studying the scattering of alpha rays?
  • What did he expect from the experiment - alpha ray scattering by Thomson's atomic model
  • What were the observations of the experiment?
  • Conclusions- discovery of nucleus
  • Atom as per Rutherford- Planetary Model of the atom
  • What holds the electron in circular orbit?
  • Was Rutherford's atomic model able to explain the characteristics of matter and mystery of spectral lines?
  • Drawbacks of Rutherford's model - instability of the atoms
    Why was Rutherford's model unstable?


Rutherford's experiment for identifying alpha,beta and gamma rays

Rutherford's experiment for identifying alpha,beta and gamma rays

Rutherford's vision of the atom

Rutherford's Planetary atomic model
Rutherford's vision of the atom
Rutherford's Planetary atomic model

Calculations for deflection of alpha rays

The gold foil experiment and scattering of alpha rays

Calculations for deflection of alpha rays
The gold foil experiment and scattering of alpha rays
Failure of Rutherford's model - formation of line spectra
Failure of Rutherford's model - formation of line spectra
Analysis of electron's velocity vector continuously changing direction leading to acceleration
Analysis of electron's velocity vector- changing direction leading to acceleration
Emission of electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic wave creation
Emission of electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic wave creation

Thomson's atomic model was the basis of Rutherford's experiment
Thomson's atomic model was the basis of Rutherford's experiment
Details of the animation/ movie /software

The science animation explains the following in a story like manner using in-depth explanation, the discovery of nucleus.

Lord Rutherford while studying the nature of the Curie's radiation discovered that the radioactive elements emit three types of radiations with different penetrating power namely alpha (least penetrated), beta (moderately penetrating) and Gamma (highly penetrating). When these radiations were subjected to electric fields, alpha rays were found to be positively charged particles while beta rays were found as negatively charged light particles. Gamma rays were found to be neutral in nature.

While studying the properties of these radiations, Rutherford noticed that the beam of alpha rays when were made to fall on a photographic plate by passing it through air, the edges of the slit became diffused and widened. He concluded that the alpha rays were scattered by air molecules.

To get a clearer evidence about the scattering he along with his co-workers Geiger and Marsden built an apparatus to bombard alpha particles on thin metallic foils. The metallic foil he selected for his experiment was a very thin gold foil.

Now if the atoms were actually arranged according to Thomson, then the alpha particles would go undeflected. But during experimentation it was found that though most of the alpha particles went right through the thin foil, a few alpha particles rebounded almost directly backwards. These large angle deflections were not consistent with Thomson's model.

From the above observations he concluded that large scattering angles could only occur if most of the mass of the atom, and all of its positive charge reside in a very small, extremely dense region called the atomic nucleus.

Thus Rutherford established a new model of the atom that was similar to the structure of planets in orbit around the sun. Rutherford's model consisted of a dense positive core at the center of the atom with electrons orbiting around it. This is called as Planetary Model of the atom.

Though Rutherford was successful enough to explain the rearrangement of the charged particles within the atom, his model faced some serious problems.

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Buyers Feedback:
  Very good by Gianluca Lapini

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